RAF joins MBC roundtable discussion 

RAF joins MBC roundtable discussion 

EY ASEAN Business Consulting Leader and SGV Consulting Leader Rossana A. Fajardo (RAF) was a keynote speaker at a virtual roundtable discussion hosted by the Makati Business Club (MBC).  

She led a discussion on digital leadership and the habits of leaders who successfully execute digital transformation. RAF shared, "Digital transformation leaders are fully embedding digital transformation across their business. They are generating financial value from their technological innovations and making efforts to build a transformation culture – transformation is woven into the fabric of their business."  

RAF also discussed how digital leaders are responding to the challenges caused by latest disruptions and how digital transformation, collaboration and connection are critical to a company’s success after the COVID-19 pandemic. She also gave tips on how newly remote teams can leverage on different technologies to enhance collaboration and increase productivity.  

MBC Executive Director Coco Alcuaz moderated the session. Participants included MBC members and executives from the private sector.  

Read more about the roundtable discussion at MBC.com

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