PAS holds Tax Seminar 

PAS holds Tax Seminar 

SGV People Advisory Services (PAS) conducted a seminar on year-end annualization tax requirements and Philippine individual income tax compliance issues for mobile employees on 11 December 2019 at the Washington SyCip Development Center (WSDC). Over 150 financial and human resources executives participated in the seminar.  

PAS Partner CRM and Senior Directors Marlynda Masangcay and Jose Rey Manuel speaking at the Tax Seminar  

Senior Director Rogelanne Villarubia welcomed participants to the briefing and PAS Leader and Tax Partner Czarina R. Miranda (CRM) provided a comprehensive discussion on year-end annualization. Senior Directors Jocelyn Magaway and Marlynda Masangcay discussed issues affecting mobile employees, tax updates that impact annualization and tax filing and registration requirements for local and foreign nationals. Senior Director Elena Manuel explained annualization results and tax administrative issues.  

Seminar participants fill up the WSDC 

PAS Executive Director Josephine Adalem discussed individual tax compliance issues of mobile employees and Senior Directors Jose Rey Manuel and Elena Manuel presented illustrative case studies on the different tax issues discussed. The seminar concluded with an insightful open forum.

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