June 2020

Tax holds briefings on ECQ-related BIR Issuances    The SGV Tax Team held a series of online briefings in May on relevant government tax issuances and policies during the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ). The webinars discussed the extended tax filing deadlines and other regulations released by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).       LLL presenting at the GPCCI webinar and JGM presenting at the PICPA webinar     LLL speaks at GPCCI webinar  On 11 May, Global Compliance and Reporting Partner Hentje Leo L. Leaño (LLL) spoke at a webinar titled “Emerge Prepared after the ECQ: Be Abreast with the ECQ-related BIR Issuances and the Extended Tax Deadlines” organized by the German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI). GPCCI Executive Director Dr. Martin Henkelmann hosted the briefing and facilitated the open forum.   LLL discussed BIR issuances on donations, documentary stamp tax on qualified loans, authority-to-print, qualified imported goods, acceptance of tax payments, extensions of the due dates for filing and payment of tax returns, and tax document submissions and payments to local government units.  JGM leads PICPA webinar  Tax Partner Josenilo G. Mendoza (JGM) led a tax briefing hosted by the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) on 12 May. JGM discussed the receipting and invoicing requirements of the BIR and the extension of tax statutory deadlines. He also explained the tax incentives and rules on donations made during the ECQ and the tax exemption provision of RA 11469.   FKS and JGM during the open forum at the NordCham webinar  FKS and JGM conduct NordCham tax webinar  SGV Tax Services Head Fame K. delos Santos (FKS) and JGM conducted a webinar on the interim rules on donations, extended tax deadlines and significant BIR issuances for the Nordic Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (NordCham) on 13 May. NordCham Executive Director Jesper Svenningsen moderated the webinar and participants included executives of NordCham member companies.  SGV Clark holds tax webinar  On 14 May, SGV Clark held a tax webinar on ECQ-related BIR issuances and the extended tax deadlines, led by SGV Global Compliance and Reporting (GCR) Partner Hentje Leo L. Leaño (LLL). SGV Clark Assurance Partner Jose Pepito E. Zabat (JEZ) welcomed over 120 participants from companies in Northern and Central Luzon. In addition to discussing BIR issuances on donations and other tax-related updates, LLL also covered tax-related issuances of the Clark Development Corporation (CDC), the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) and the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA). JGM and Tax Partner Margaux A. Advincula (MAA) were also present during the webinar and addressed questions during the open forum. GCR Associate Director Michael Ray Lapasaran acted as master of ceremonies.         JEZ, LLL and MAA presenting at the SGV Clark webinar 
SGV conducts webinar for FICCI  SGV conducted a webinar on enterprise resilience for the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) on 21 April. The session aimed to provide supply chain, finance, customer experience and tax updates and insights on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.   COVID-19 Enterprise Resiliency Framework  SGV Consulting Principal Philip B. Casanova (PBC) provided an overview of the EY resilience framework which identifies nine domains businesses can address to build a structured and comprehensive approach to crisis management and business resilience. The framework focuses on the following: employee health and wellbeing, talent and workforce, supply chain and global trade, customer and brand, financial and investor, risk, government and public policy, technology and information security, and insurance and legal disputes. PBC emphasized that enterprises should consider these areas when coping with the short- and long-term effects of the pandemic.   Strategy and Transaction Services Partner Marie Stephanie C. Tan-Hamed (MTH) explained that organizations must conduct scenario planning because effective crisis management involves recalibrating decisions and activities, and planning for worsening developments. This also includes stabilizing liquidity and operations, assessing balance sheet strength and optimizing communications with stakeholders. MTH added that businesses must adapt and identify the resources that can assist them through the crisis.   SGV-FICCI webinar   Tax Partner Tesi Lou S. Guanzon (TSG) provided tax updates, particularly BIR issuances related to the enhanced community quarantine. She also explained the latest provisions of Revenue Regulations No. 9-2020 on donations. Consulting Partner Jan Ray G. Manlapaz (RGM) emphasized that organizations should view their supply chains as a complex and dynamic ecosystem rather than take the linear traditional view. He added that organizations need to identify the short-term and long-term impacts and implement action plans to reduce risk and financial impact due to supply chain disruption.   Consulting Partner Marnelli Eileen J. Fullon (MJF) explained that organizations need to anchor their plans and initiatives to the company’s Purpose. She added that organizations must communicate their plans clearly and with empathy. It is essential for businesses to listen to the voice of customers and employees, understand their needs and concerns, and adjust ways of working and processes accordingly. She encouraged participants to reimagine and enhance their digital channels in order to thrive during and after the pandemic. 
MTH speaks at FINEX webinar  SGV Strategy and Transaction Services Partner Marie Stephanie Tan-Hamed (MTH) and Security Bank Corporation Executive Vice President Eduardo Olbes conducted a webinar titled “The Road to Recovery: COVID-19” for the Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX).      FINEX webinar invite  MTH shared tips on how CFOs can navigate the impact of COVID-19 on their organizations. She explained that CFOs should conduct scenario planning and develop an operating scenario model that will facilitate their organization’s recovery strategy, liquidity planning, creditor negotiation and other CFO-focused initiatives. Organizations must also stabilize their liquidity and operations, assess the strength of their balance sheet, and optimize communications to gain stakeholder confidence and support credit and contract renegotiation. She added that businesses can adapt and succeed by leveraging on their resources and the talent of their people.