SGV Senior Director Meynard L. Sardalla speaks at JPIA-PUP Taguig year-end program

SGV Global Compliance and Reporting (GCR) Senior Director Meynard L. Sardalla was the guest speaker at the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants – Polytechnic University of the Philippines Taguig (JPIA-PUPT) Chapter year-end program held on 18 September 2023. Meynard delivered an inspirational talk to over 150 accountancy students.



Meynard receives a certificate of appreciation from members of the JPIA-PUPT Chapter


Meynard shared his experiences and struggles as an accounting professional and emphasized the importance of stewardship, grit, and vibrance in achieving goals and aspirations. 


The year-end program recognized student leaders who have excelled in various leadership domains such as inclusivity, civic engagement, innovation, and other values of a professional accountant.

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