SGV SAVE Council hosts WebCCaSS on zero waste and effective waste management

The Sustainable Actions for Value Creation and Enablement (SAVE) Council's Environment Pillar team recently hosted a WebCCaSS session on waste management entitled "Zero to Hero: Journey towards Zero Waste and Effective Management."



Sustainability Director Reynaldo C. Azarcon Jr. and SAVE Council – Environment Pillar team members welcome WebCCaSS session attendees


The session was led by Sustainability Services Director Reynaldo C. Azarcon Jr., Associate Director Carla J. Capistrano, Finance Assistant Director Leah L. Pis-an, Senior Associate Kerby Z. Panaligan, Associates Marianne Angelica C. Velasco and Eloisa C. Malaluan, and Finance Admin Support Nympha Valencia.


Business Services Group (BSG) Leader Alvin M. Pinpin opened the session by highlighting the concept of zero waste and the importance of effective waste segregation.



Finance Assistant Director Leah L. Pis-an discusses the roles of SGVeans in Waste Management


The session covered various topics related to waste management, starting with the significance of segregating waste according to their nature. The discussion also touched upon the percentage of waste dumped in landfills and its leakage into the environment. Participants were introduced to different types of waste and were provided with examples to prevent contamination of recyclable waste during segregation. The roles of SGVeans in managing waste effectively were highlighted, emphasizing best practices such as using a single paper towel in restrooms, bringing personal food containers, maintaining clean worktables, and disposing of waste in designated bins.


SGVeans were encouraged to become waste management heroes in their own right. The "Zero Waste Challenge: Closing the Resource Loop," a six-month competition designed to foster a circular economy and instill sustainable waste management habits, was introduced.


The session wrapped up with a rallying call for SGVeans to demonstrate their dedication to responsible waste management.


The SAVE Council's WebCCaSS initiative is a quarterly one-hour webcast that covers concepts, trends, regulations and industry practices around sustainability and climate change.

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