SGV Principal Philip B. Casanova speaks at ISOG Colloquium

SGV Cybersecurity Principal Philip B. Casanova was a resource speaker at the ISOG I Am Secure 2024 Colloquium I. The event took place on 13 June 2024, at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), gathering cyber leaders to discuss cybersecurity topics, focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Operations Technology, and Industrial Control Systems (ICS).



SGV Cybersecurity Principal Philip B. Casanova at the ISOG I Am Secure 2024 Colloquium I


Philip described SGV's involvement in cybersecurity. He presented the Executive Summary of the EY 2024 Global Cybersecurity Insights Study at the event. The study aims to improve understanding of AI's use in cybersecurity and identifies "Secure Creators," organizations that are leading in cybersecurity by adopting AI and other technologies for defense.



Philip talks about cybersecurity and AI


The colloquium's discussions focused on AI in cybersecurity, outlining the risks and opportunities for Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs). Philip's presentation also provided insights on integrating AI into cybersecurity strategies.


Philip's full video presentation is available on the ISOG YouTube page. The presentation can be viewed here:

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