SGV Partner Conrad Allan M. Alviz speaks at 5th Joint Accountancy Research Summit

SGV Business Consulting Partner Conrad Allan M. Alviz (CMA) was a speaker at the 5th Joint Accountancy Research Summit organized by the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) on 26 May 2023. Over 250 accountants and accountancy students attended the event.



Conrad during the Summit


SGV Assurance Partner and PICPA event Chair Marydith C. Miguel (MCM) kicked off the event by delivering the opening remarks. SGV Chairman and Country Managing Partner Wilson P. Tan (WPT) spoke about the emerging trend on sustainability and the importance of sustainability reporting in organizations. 



Wilson shares his message on sustainability reporting


Conrad talked about the global Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) landscape and the current regulatory developments on sustainability in the country. He discussed the findings in the SGV publication, Beyond the Bottomline 2022, on the review of the sustainability reports of publicly listed companies. He also talked about the development of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and its proposed International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) sustainability disclosure standards, which are expected to be published in the second quarter of 2023. 

Toward the end of his discussion, Conrad talked about the role of accountants in achieving consistent metrics, integrating accounting and finance functions, providing assurance over climate reporting and disclosures, serving as consultants in the sustainability space, and advocating for sustainability.

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