SGV FSO Senior Manager Alister Benedict Rodriguez passes two actuary exams

SGV Financial Services Organization (FSO) Senior Manager Alister Benedict Rodriguez passed the Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics (FAM) and Statistics for Risk Modeling (SRM) examinations administered by the Society of Actuaries (SOA).



FAM and SRM exams passer FSO Senior Manager Alister Benedict Rodriguez


Alister passed both the FAM and SRM exams within five months, showcasing his knowledge of actuarial modeling and data analysis and positioning himself as a valuable asset in the field of actuarial sciences and risk management.


The FAM exam assesses candidates' understanding of actuarial methods in modeling both short-term and long-term liabilities, while the SRM exam assesses candidates' understanding of statistical methods and models to analyze data. These exams are crucial for actuaries as they demonstrate their proficiency in applying mathematical and statistical techniques to assess and manage risk.  


The SOA is a global professional organization for actuaries that offers a variety of certificate programs that prepare candidates for a future in the actuarial industry. These programs also provide candidates with a strong foundation in actuarial science and equip them with the necessary skills to excel in their careers. With its extensive network and resources, the SOA continues to support and advance the actuarial profession worldwide.


The SGV FSO team will be holding FSO briefings on actuarial sciences and risk management for SGVeans and students. 


Congratulations, Alister!

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