SGV Consulting team conducts ICT Immersion at Rizal High School

Members of the SGV Consulting team conducted an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Immersion at Rizal High School on 26 June 2023 with over 300 attendees composed of Grade 11 and Grade 12 ICT students. The immersion activity was part of the EY STEM Girls program which was also launched in the school earlier this year. 



SGV Consulting Seniors Dan and Tricia



Tricia and Dan discuss ICT topics


Technology Consulting Senior Danielle “Dan” R. Bote and Business Consulting Senior Patricia Angeline “Tricia” Vilaga discussed various topics on ICT and IT Audit. Dan talked about college courses and career opportunities for ICT graduates, an overview of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), career opportunities in SDLC, software development, and tips for ICT students, while Tricia gave an overview of IT Audit and discussed its Importance, the role of IT auditors in internal and external audits as well as SDLC, and career opportunities in IT Audit.



Rizal High School students during the ICT Immersion


Dan and Tricia also facilitated other activities such as ice breakers and knowledge check games in between discussions for the students.


The EY STEM Girls program was launched by EY Ripples and Women in Technology (WiT). It aims to recognize, uplift, and empower the next generation of girls in STEM and help break gender bias. The program also introduced the EY STEM app, a gamified mobile platform where girls aged 13 to 18 can engage in digital and real-life activities, such as educational games and activities with high-quality STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) content to foster an interest in STEM in a way that is exciting and fun as well as explore STEM-related careers.

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