SGV Consulting Leader Rossana A. Fajardo talks about empowering women and girls in STEM at ISACA IWD Collaboration Event

SGV Consulting Leader Rossana A. Fajardo was a key speaker at ISACA Manila Chapter’s International Women’s Day webinar titled “Count Her In: Accelerating gender equality through economic empowerment.” This webinar was the first IWD collaboration event between ISACA Manila, Melbourne, Sydney, Wellington, and Auckland and the New Zealand Network for Women in Security (NZNWS). It was held via Zoom on 7 March 2024.



Rossana at the ISACA Manila IWD webinar


Rossana highlighted the critical role that women play in the tech industry and the importance of addressing gender disparities within the sector. She offered various ways to close this gap, including nurturing girls' interest in STEM, hiring with a focus on gender balance, and supporting women's potential as leaders. She urged managers to back women in STEM leadership roles and called for society as a whole and government bodies to endorse tech careers for women and help finance the workforce's shift.



Rossana talks about SGV/EY initiatives that support women in technology


She further spotlighted two SGV and EY initiatives propelling this cause – the Women in Technology (WiT) program and the EY STEM App.


The WiT program fosters the involvement and leadership of women in tech. It comprises educational programs to enhance girls' STEM skills and interest, mentorship to cultivate female tech leadership, support for women tech entrepreneurs, and efforts to diversify the tech workforce.


The EY STEM App, a free gamified platform targeting girls aged 13-18, seeks to stimulate interest in STEM fields. The app offers convenient access to engaging content, empowering girls to take control of their learning progress. 



Rossana with some of the webinar participants


Rossana concluded her talk by encouraging the participants to continue upskilling and sharpening their tech competencies. She cited her personal career transition from an auditor to a tech consultant as an example.


For the Q&A session with ISACA Manila members, Rossana emphasized the value of women in leadership roles, explaining that such diversity allows for a more holistic approach toward decision-making within companies.

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