SGV BMC and CCaSS teams host WebCCaSS on EY Ripples

The SGV Brand, Marketing and Communications (BMC) and Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) teams hosted the first episode of the Sustainable Actions for Value-Creation and Enablement (SAVE) Council's WebCCaSS in Fiscal Year 2024. The session, titled "Making Ripples of Positive Impact," informed SGVeans about the EY Ripples program – EY’s global corporate social responsibility initiative – and how it reflects the Firm’s commitment to creating a better and more sustainable world. 



SGV teams talk about the EY Ripples program


SGV’s EY Ripples Partner-in-Charge Christine G. Vallejo delivered the opening remarks. She highlighted the importance of social responsibility and making a difference that extends beyond our professional lives. 


The presenters during the session were BMC Assistant Director Micah Valero-Calo and CCaSS Associates Isabella Naputo and Summer Evangelista. They introduced EY Ripples, its various programs, and micro-volunteering virtual opportunities through Zooniverse: Penguin Watch and Snapshots at Sea. They guided the attendees through a practice session, educating the participants on whale identification and encouraging them to participate in an actual activity classifying whales through the Snapshots at Sea initiative. 


The session concluded with a Declaration of Commitment called “Making ripples of positive impact,” urging SGVeans to take a step toward positively impacting lives. 


The SAVE Council’s WebCCaSS initiative is a quarterly one-hour webcast that covers concepts, trends, regulations, and industry practices around sustainability and climate change.  

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