SGV Assurance Director John Edralin presents at USC Convention

SGV Assurance Director John S. Edralin was invited to be a speaker at Level Up: USC Accountancy and Business Convention 2021 on 26 November 2021. The activity was hosted by the University of San Carlos (USC) and was attended by accountancy and senior high school students from various educational institutions in Cebu.


John entertaining questions during the open the forum


John’s presentation, From Worksheet to Reality, talked about the role of accountants and their influence on society. His discussion revolved around the transition from being a student to an accountant and finding balance between being an accountant and a citizen. 


Other speakers included Commission on Audit (COA) State Auditor 1 Winnie Anne Gallur and Mezzo Hotel President and CEO Shannen Tan. The convention ended with an open forum which was facilitated by the moderators from USC and resource speakers for the activity.

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