SGV honors RDD’s 40 years of excellent and dedicated service

SGV Partners honored retiring former Market Group (MG) 2 Leader and Strategy and Transactions (SaT) Leader and current Transactions Diligence Head Ramon D. Dizon (RDD) with a special virtual retirement program last 11 June. Assurance Partner Mariecris N. Barbaso (MNB) and SaT Partner Marie Stephanie Tan-Hamed (MTH) hosted the program which was webcast from the SGV Development Center. Some of SGV’s leadership team were physically present at the venue and observed proper social distancing and required health and safety protocols. Other partners virtually participated in the celebration from their own offices or homes.  

image_1626061903.pngMNB and MTH at the retirement program

Chairman and Country Managing Partner Wilson P. Tan (WPT) delivered the opening remarks and recognized RDD’s outstanding contributions to strengthening client relationships and developing the skills and competencies of our people. This was followed by a special video presentation featuring RDD’s SGV journey with his colleagues, friends and staff and a fun trivia game about RDD’s career.  

RDD’s family, clients, former staff, and colleagues, including several SGV Alumni Partners also prepared video messages for him, sharing stories about his inspiring work ethic and charming personality. The program also featured a special musical performance by MG 2, MG 6 and SaT Partners and staff.  

image_1626061911.pngRDD at the retirement program

RDD then expressed his gratitude to the Firm and its people, emphasizing the lessons he gained and the wonderful memories and friendships he formed throughout his career. He then encouraged all SGV Partners to continue to diligently serve their clients and nurture their people.  

image_1626061919.pngRDD’s token of appreciation 

 In honor of his 40 years of service to the Firm, RDD was presented with a token of appreciation – a sculpture titled Beyond the Horizon. It depicts a man standing on the roots of a tree, looking out at the horizon for untapped possibilities. The sculpture symbolizes his remarkable foresight and deep understanding of the Firm’s values, culture, and Purpose. 

Best wishes on your retirement, RDD! 

Leading the way in business

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