RAF moderates Philippines-focused session at eCommerce Asia

Last 5 August, Consulting Leader Rossana A. Fajardo (RAF) moderated a panel discussion at the eCommerce Asia 2021 Virtual Conference. With the theme Shaping the Future of eCommerce: How to Thrive in 2021 and Beyond, the event gathered key figures from the eCommerce industry to discuss the challenges that the digital future presents to commerce activities.

image_1629944948.pngRAF with the other speakers at the session

Under the Philippines-focused track, the panel discussion covered the Department of Trade and Industry’s (DTI’s) eCommerce Philippines Roadmap 2022 and the future opportunities that may arise from the pandemic. RAF began the session with an overview of the roadmap’s agenda which includes the implementation of a National Broadband Plan, Internet Transactions Act, and an MSME digitalization program. The pandemic prompted the DTI to pursue accelerated development of our eCommerce ecosystem, particularly in the area of digital transformation. RAF then explained the state of the country’s business landscape and shared, “While there are many opportunities for first-movers and early adopters in this exciting and dynamic area, it’s important for us to consider the role that each of us can play in shaping the dialogue and contributing to the growth of eCommerce in our country.”

The members of the panel included Globe Telecom Director and eCommerce Head MJ Panganiban, Metro Retail Stores Group Inc. Chief Strategy Officer JJ Moreno, and Ace Hardware Philippines Inc. Vice President of Logistics Arnel Gamboa. They spoke on how their respective organizations addressed the challenges and leveraged on the opportunities caused by the pandemic. They also discussed factors that hinder the country from adopting digital eCommerce strategies. To achieve the DTI roadmap by 2030, they emphasized that the country must prioritize fast, reliable, and affordable internet connection; enhance the digital skills and competencies of the workforce; and improve communications and logistics infrastructures. 

To learn more about the conference, please visit https://asiaecommerce.org/

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