LLL and MAA join 1st PICPA EMMC Virtual General Membership Meeting

The Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) Eastern Metro Manila Chapter (EMMC) organized a series of webinars as part of its 1st General Membership Meeting to which SGV Tax Partners Atty. Margaux A. Advincula (MAA) and Hentje Leo L. Leaño (LLL) were invited as the speakers for the first session entitled “Transforming and Empowering SMEs and SMPs Webinar on Tax Updates and Compliance”. Ms. Ivy Marie E. Zafe, President of the PICPA EMMC, welcomed more than 160 participants in her opening remarks. 



LLL and MAA during the PICPA EMMC session


MAA kicked off the discussion proper by explaining the role of MSMEs and their impact on the Philippine economy. She also discussed the impact of the CREATE law and other tax updates on MSMEs and SMPs. On the other hand, LLL discussed the basic tax compliances relevant to MSMEs and SMPs. The event was moderated by PICPA EMMC’s Publications and Committee Member, Ms. Majella A. Ubaldo.


The webinar ended with an open forum. Francis J. Ricamora (FJR), SGV Alumni Partner and past PICPA EMMC President, was also present at the webinar. Associate Directors David Jonathan Manalili and Virly Jane Tiare, Senior Associate Verlin Entenna, and Associates Jerome Montoya and Patricio Calma assisted the speakers on the preparation of the webinar materials.

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