Consulting Senior Associates talk about security operations at NEU CICS seminar

SGV Consulting Senior Associates Glenn James Asoy, Ezra Danielle Sarmiento, and Ruchielle Garcia were resource speakers in the Introduction to Security Operations seminar organized by the New Era University (NEU) College of Informatics and Computing Studies (CICS) department on 24 March 2022. Around 180 students and faculty from the department attended the event.



Glenn, Ezra, and Ruchielle receive certificates of appreciation



Group photo with the participants


Glenn gave an introduction on security threats and the impact of cyber-attacks. He helped the participants understand the inner workings of security operations, visualize the people, processes and technologies that support it and how it enables organizations to manage cyber risks. He shared tips and training materials that students can leverage on to pursue a career in cybersecurity.


Ezra talked about web application firewalls, their common use cases, and certain types of incidents that they address. 


Ruchielle introduced cybersecurity and shared ways to improve organizations’ security postures. She also shared tips for improving security hygiene.

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