CCaSS team hosts Sustainabits session on office ergonomics

The Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) team hosted a Sustainabits session on “Office Ergonomics: The Role of Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) in Office Settings,” which aimed to orient and inform the SGV community on the importance of good working conditions. The virtual session was attended by 534 SGVeans.



CCaSS Manager Brenda Estonanto, CCaSS Partner Conrad Allan M. Alviz (CMA), and CCaSS Associate Eloisa Malaluan welcome the participants to the Sustainabits session


Business Consulting and CCaSS Partner Conrad Allan M. Alviz (CMA) welcomed everyone to the session and shared his personal experience on following basic Occupational Health and Safety policies. CCaSS Manager Brenda Estonanto supported by her team, CCaSS Senior Associate Francis Jemaiya Arce and CCaSS Associates Eloisa Jean Malaluan and Emmanuel Regondola, spearheaded the discussion. 



CCaSS Associate Eloisa Malaluan discusses the basic definition of office ergonomics


The session covered four main topics, namely, the basis for office safety, office hazards and preventive measures, office ergonomics, and the introduction of the CCaSS EHS solution cluster. The discussion began with a video clip showing how complacency is the breeding ground for accidents, then proceeded to some insights on the legislation and department orders focusing on ensuring a safe working environment. The second part focused on the types of hazards encountered in the office or at home, and how these hazards affect individuals, while the third part focused on ways to prevent injuries and how to eliminate these hazards. 


The team also presented the potential risks of EHS-related concerns to businesses. The team discussed how the CCaSS EHS solution cluster could help businesses avoid these risks and damages by offering services that will help companies to manage EHS-related liabilities such as EHS Risk Assessment and Management, EHS Due Diligence, and EHS Management Consulting Services. To conclude the session, SGVeans were encouraged to show their commitment in promoting a safe working environment and make SGV a better working space for everyone. 


For those who were not able to attend the session, the session recording can still be accessed through this link


The Sustainable Actions for Value Creation and Enablement (SAVE) Council’s Sustainabits initiative is a half-hour webcast that covers ideas, movements, principles, and industry best practices around sustainability, social equity, and climate change.

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