CCaSS team celebrates Earth Day with Sustainabits session on sustainable fashion

The Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) team hosted the April Sustainabits session on “Sustainable Fashion: Making Fast Fashion Out of Fashion.” This is in line with the SGV Sustainable Actions for Value Creation and Enablement (SAVE) Council’s Earth Day initiatives to celebrate this year’s theme, “Invest in Our Planet.” Two hundred ninety-eight SGVeans attended the virtual session on 28 April 2023.



CCaSS team talks about sustainable fashion


SGV Chief Sustainability Officer Clairma T. Mangangey (CTM) welcomed the participants to the session and talked about the current trends of clothing overconsumption and the benefits she experienced in clearing her closet for the SAVE Council’s clothing donation initiative. For the rest of the session, CCaSS Manager Ricardo Maulion, Senior Associate Maria Margarita Dela Cruz, and Associate Gregory Ryan Tan presented topics highlighting the importance of sustainable fashion in addressing the detrimental effects of fast fashion, and they shared ways on how the participants could incorporate sustainability into their wardrobes.


The session highlighted sustainable fashion as one of the six ways endorsed by that are key to investing in the planet. The presenters introduced the definition of sustainable fashion and how this aims to reorient the current fashion life cycle. The session included video presentations and a discussion on the harmful impacts of fast fashion to people and the environment. The presenters also identified sustainable choices SGVeans can make when shopping for clothes and ensuring their clothes are cared for and could last longer. SGVeans were then encouraged to build their own capsule wardrobes with sustainable fashion brands. 


To summarize the learnings from the session, the presenters provided simple reminders on how SGVeans can make their wardrobes more sustainable, then capping off with a declaration of their commitment to leading a sustainable lifestyle by practicing sustainable fashion.


The SAVE Council’s Sustainabits initiative is a series of half-hour webcasts covering ideas, movements, principles, and leading industry practices regarding sustainability, social equity, and climate change.

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