CCaSS Director Erika Courteille speaks at two webinars

Climate Change and Sustainability Service (CCaSS) Director Erika Courteille was a guest speaker at two separate events on 6 November 2021 and 11 November 2021. 



Ignite webinar poster featuring Erika 


The first webinar titled Ignite: Discover the Social Enterprise in You was organized by the University of Santo Tomas (UST) Graduate School and had over 800 participants. Erika shared her experiences in starting a social enterprise, the opportunities that eventually led to forming the business model, the impact of COVID-19 on operations and long-term sustainability plans involving a review of emissions in the value chain and shifting to a circular economy. She also briefly mentioned that SGV offers services such as reviewing emissions and sustainability transformation.  Her talk ended with the lessons she learned as a social entrepreneur.



Erika presenting at the Rotary Club webinar


The second webinar titled Discover Your Own Ecological Footprint and How Many Earths Your Lifestyle Is Worth was hosted by the Rotary Club of Makati Paseo de Roxas. The event was attended by professionals from different industries, the Rotary Club of Makati Paseo de Roxas members, and SGV Business Consulting Partner Leonardo J. Matignas. Erika started her talk by discussing climate change and then described how one can discover one's ecological footprint using the online resource tool. After this activity, she discussed actions that contribute to the carbon footprint per activity and some quick steps to lower emissions. 

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