CCaSS Director Erika Courteille speaks at AmCham BLP virtual session

Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) Director Erika N. Courteille was a speaker at the 3rd virtual session of the 2022 Business Leadership Program (BLP) organized by The American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham) of the Philippines, Inc. on 13 June 2022. The AmCham BLP is an intensive immersion program where top students in the country are exposed to leading companies for talks, discussions, and mentorships to build their strengths as future business leaders. SGV is one of the sponsors of the program.



Erika talks about ESG 


Erika provided an introduction to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues. She discussed the basics of ESG, as well as the role of SGV in sustainability and sustainability reporting. She also gave a preview of the 2nd edition of SGV's Beyond the Bottom Line: Sustainability Reporting in the Philippines, a report containing a review of listed companies’ 2020 sustainability reports. 



Erika with the BLP participants


Erika concluded the session by providing examples of how students can contribute to sustainability efforts. She also entertained questions from the participants. More than 30 selected students attended the event. 

Leading the way in business

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