Consulting team talks about resilience at BCMAP Summit

Consulting team talks about resilience at BCMAP Summit

SGV’s Consulting Team joined the 3rd annual summit of the Business Continuity Manager’s Association of the Philippines (BCMAP) titled When the Unexpected Happens last 20 November. The summit featured sessions on how businesses are adapting and responding to the latest disruptions and challenges. 

PBC and Shaun presenting at the BCMAP Summit 

Consulting Principal Philip B. Casanova (PBC) and Associate Director Shaun Cusi discussed the EY Enterprise Resilience Framework which identifies nine key areas businesses can address to build a structured and comprehensive approach to crisis management and business continuity across the now, next and beyond. They also shared ten practical ways organizations can enhance their resilience. 


Jay and Alvin presenting at the BCMAP Summit 

Senior Associate Jay Yabes then led a session titled How it pays to be resilient. He discussed how different stakeholders view resilience, emphasizing its value in their continuous support and commitment to businesses. Senior Director Alvin Manuel talked about embedding agility in business continuity and resilience practice. He discussed how organizations can use agile principles to manage and respond to complex disruptions.  

During the members meeting held after the summit, Jay and Alvin were also elected as Directors of the BCMAP for 2020-2021. BCMAP is a non-profit organization established to promote best practices and standards for business continuity and disaster recovery.

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