SGV launches Mandarin version of Doing Business in the Philippines publication, hosts tax update briefing for CEPA

SGV launched the Mandarin version of the Doing Business in the Philippines publication and conducted a tax update briefing for members of the Chinese Enterprises Philippines Association (CEPA) and representatives from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Philippines in March 2024 at the SGV Makati office.



(From left to right) Assurance Partner Jonathan T. Bino, Tax Partner Maricris U. See, COIN Leader Fidela I. Reyes, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Philippines Minister Counselor Yang Guoliang, SGV Senior Advisor and former Ambassador Delia Domingo Albert, CEPA President Hu Xinquan, SGV Chairman and Country Managing Partner Wilson P. Tan, and Tax Partner Francis J. Ricamora


The briefing was organized by SGV’s China Overseas Investment Network (COIN) team, led by Atty. Fidela T. Isip-Reyes, with support from Assurance Partner Jonathan T. Bino and Tax Partner Maricris U. See. 



SGV Chairman and Country Managing Partner Wilson P. Tan 


SGV Chairman and Country Managing Partner Wilson P. Tan and SGV Senior Advisor and former Ambassador Delia Domingo Albert welcomed embassy representatives and CEPA members to the event.


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Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Philippines Minister-Counselor Yang Guoliang (left) and CEPA President Hu Xinquan (right)


Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Philippines Minister-Counselor Yang Guoliang and CEPA President Hu Xinquan delivered remarks highlighting the Philippines as a prime investment destination for Chinese companies. They noted that the new tax reforms under Republic Act No. 11976, the "Ease of Paying Taxes Act," could enhance investment opportunities by simplifying tax compliance. Additionally, the release of the Mandarin edition of SGV's Doing Business in the Philippines publication will provide valuable guidance for Chinese investors entering the Philippine market.



Senior Advisor and former Ambassador Delia Domingo Albert


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Tax Partners Francis J. Ricamora (left) and Maricris U. See (right) during their respective discussions



Master of Ceremonies, Assurance Partner Jonathan T. Bino 


Ambassador Delia also gave her remarks, followed by keynote presentations delivered by Tax Partners Francis J. Ricamora and Maricris U. See, focusing on the Ease of Paying Taxes (EOPT) Act and Revenue Memorandum Circulars No. 5-2024 and No. 12-2024. Assurance Partner Jonathan T. Bino hosted the event.



SGV Vice Chair and Deputy Managing Partner Maria Vivian C. Ruiz delivers her closing remarks


The briefing concluded with SGV Vice Chair and Deputy Managing Partner Maria Vivian C. Ruiz's closing remarks, and attendees received copies of the newly released Mandarin publication. 

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