SGV Sustainability team joins AmCham Philippines Business Leadership Program 2024

Members of SGV’s Sustainability Services team recently participated in the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. (AmCham) Business Leadership Program (BLP) 2024. 



Senior Director Crystal Aleli R. Cornell (left) during the question-and-answer portion


SGV Sustainability Services Lead Partner Benjamin N. Villacorte opened the session by introducing SGV’s Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) to the participants. He discussed his journey in the sustainability space, highlighted the multi-disciplinary nature of the field, and emphasized its importance for businesses today and in the future.



SGV Sustainability team with AmCham BLP participants


Senior Director Crystal Aleli R. Cornell discussed the new era of sustainability reporting. She talked about the concept of sustainability and its importance in helping companies in creating long-term value. She also discussed the latest developments in sustainability reporting, particularly the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Sustainability Disclosure Standards and the Revised SEC Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.


Associate Director Jamaica N. Pangasinan talked about climate change, climate risk and scenario analysis. She provided an overview of the science behind climate change and its impact on the Philippines. She also underscored the importance of having a stable climate in sustaining the Philippine economy.


The Sustainability team members shared their insights during the interactive question-and-answer portion with the participants.


Benjamin concluded the session by thanking the participants for being proactive and enthusiastic during the session and for being part of a new generation of future climate-literate leaders who recognize the importance of sustainable development for the country.


AmCham’s BLP is an annual program that provides opportunities for college students to engage with CEOs and leaders of AmCham member companies through a series of leadership talks, corporate visits, and networking events.

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