SGV Partner Veronica Mae Arce Balisi speaks at FINEX Academy AML/CTPF Training 2024

SGV Financial Services Organization (FSO) Partner Veronica Mae Arce Balisi led the Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX) Academy’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Terrorist and Proliferation Financing (CTPF) training session which took place on 16 May 2024 via Zoom. This was Veronica’s 11th time delivering this training to FINEX Academy members.


MIB Capital Corporation Chairperson Marilou Cristobal delivered the welcome remarks and introduced Veronica as the resource speaker. Veronica gave an overview of money laundering (ML) and terrorist and proliferation financing (TPF) and discussed different global, regional, and local regulatory bodies, AML/CTPF risk management frameworks, and the current state of the Philippines in relation to ML/TPF.



                          SGV FSO Partner Veronica Arce Balisi during the webinar


FSO Senior Associate Rubin Hollero II facilitated the knowledge checks via poll questions given in between discussions to interact with the participants and to gauge their understanding of the topics, with the assistance of Associates Andrea Marie Andrada, Christian Atillano, Liddy Lalaine Corpuz, and Mechaella Mae Punzalan.


Veronica concluded the training session with a reminder to appreciate the purpose of the session not only as a matter of compliance but also in building a better Philippines.

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