SGV Partner Lady March Diam C. Trinidad judges CFA Institute Research Challenge

SGV Strategy and Transactions (SaT) Partner Lady March Diam C. Trinidad served as one of the judges at the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute Research Challenge Local Finals for 2023–2024 held via Zoom.



SGV SaT Partner Lady March Diam C. Trinidad (top right) with the other judges


Six university team finalists competed by analyzing the traded shares of a company and presenting their investment cases. The event culminated with the Emerald Equities team from the University of the Philippines Diliman being named the overall champion and JEFE from Ateneo de Manila University as the first runner-up. 



Group photo with the Emerald Equities team from the University of the Philippines Diliman 


The event was organized by the CFA Society Philippines, an association of local investment professionals, consisting of portfolio managers, security analysts, investment advisers, and other financial practitioners.

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