SGV Consulting Leader Rossana A. Fajardo speaks at Asean Leadership Academy live session on encouraging energy, enthusiasm, and leadership

EY Asean Business Consulting Leader and SGV Consulting Leader Rossana A. Fajardo was one of the panelists at the Leadership Series 1.0 organized by the Asean Leadership Academy. The live session was streamed via MS Teams on 25 April 2024. It focused on the topic of fostering leaders and staff who are capable of inspiring teams with their energetic and enthusiastic approach to work.



EY Asean Business Consulting Leader and SGV Consulting Leader Rossana A. Fajardo as panelist during the live session


Rossana was joined by Malaysia Assurance Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) Leader and Asia Pacific Climate Change Advisory Leader Arina Kok as a co-panelist for the session. They engaged in discussions about leadership qualities and organizational values. The session was moderated by International Tax and Transaction Services (ITTS) Director Clement Lim, who steered the conversation toward finding inclusive pathways to growth and success.


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ITTS Director Clement Lim (left) and Malaysia Assurance CCaSS Leader and Asia Pacific Climate Change Advisory Leader Arina Kok (right) as moderator and panelist, respectively


Rossana underlined the importance of embodying the Firm's Purpose and setting a standard for others to follow. She introduced the audience to SGV Consulting's initiatives like the Quality and Innovation Circle, which encourages staff to propose impactful projects, and the pocket sessions aimed at building stronger connections between different service lines. Rossana further mentioned the necessity for patience in leadership roles, highlighting the discernment needed to know when to persist and when to withdraw.


Arina added that success in leadership stems from collaboration and collective effort within the team. She gave insight into setting clear personal career goals and providing customized support to team members. Arina underscored the importance of open communication and volunteering in areas of strength to drive motivation and achieve career milestones. She also mentioned the EY Badges program, which encourages EY people to hone and master diverse skills.


Together, Rossana and Arina advocated for proactive leadership, where daily actions demonstrate energy and the courage to lead, affecting positive change and helping others to grow. The event concluded with a Q&A session, promoting the daily practice of these leadership qualities for all EY people.

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